The company AQUA INTERMA ENGINEERING was founded 27 years ago, and in its long existence is continuously engaged in projects related to the treatment of drinking and waste water.
Activities of the company include production, installation, commissioning and maintenance of technological, mechanical and electrical equipment, as well as the development of relevant project documentation and participation in the expertise and supervision and implementation of granted innovative technologies and patents. Successfully confronting various challenges and having aspiration for constant development and improvement, we have established cooperation with a number of institutes and scientific institutions, as well as with leading European and international companies engaged in water treatment. AQUA INTERMA ENGINEERING is present for many years, not only in the majority of the domestic municipal and industrial water supply systems, but also in the region, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and in the world as well, in Romania, Turkey, India, etc.
The general activity of the company AQUA INTERMA ENGINEERING relates to:
- Production, procurement , installation and commissioning of technological, mechanical and electrical equipment within the plants for purification of drinking water and used water as follows: equipment for the preparation and dosing of chemical solutions ( coagulants, flocculants, oxidants, chemicals for pH correction, as well as the equipment for water disinfection and chlorine neutralization ), devices for measurement of physical and physicochemical parameters of the fluid (flow, level, temperature, pH, etc.), electrical equipment for power supply of process equipment, signalization automation, control, etc, with a software and hardware support.
- Designing facilities for the preparation of drinking water, treatment plants for municipal wastewater and certain industrial wastewater treatment plants (slaughterhouses, cement plants, etc.), including technology projects with the definition of complete process and electrical equipment.
- Reconstruction of the existing water treatment plants to improve the technological processes, and to achieve the required quality of purified water.
- Conceptual design of specific technological processes in drinking water preparation with a production and installation of pilot–plants, testing and demonstration of the parameters in the operation of pilot-plants ( raw water with a high content of ammonia, colour, large oxydability, iron, manganese, etc. . ) .
In addition to the activities in the domain of production, AQUA INTERMA ENGINEERING has strongly developed service facilities with qualified and professional personnel. The service team is ready for quick feedback and rapid response to customer calls and our technicians are able to solve all possible problems related to the operation of equipment, not only of our own, but also from the other manufacturers as well.
A significant part of AQUA INTERMA ENGINEERING activities is dedicated to the innovation in the field of water treatment, in collaboration with the Institute IHTM, especially the latest methods that in the world today are environmentally hit in the water disinfection and preservation of excellent organoleptic and bacteriological characteristics of drinking water. This includes procedures, equipment and treatment where only physical processes are represented, without the use of chlorine and other oxidizing agents, which is interesting for those systems where the drinking water is kept for a long time (such as water tanks for individual water supply, reservoirs, water companies of exclusive character, hotel complexes , swimming pools , etc.).
Particularly interesting part of our activities includes problem solving of algae and biofilm in tanks and pools that are exposed to the influence of light and temperature and problems related to the appearance of odor in waste water treatment plants, municipal landfills, etc.